Sunday, July 29, 2012

On the Way to the USA

     Well, here's to the end of my travels for now... *cheeky grin* Although I'm hoping I'll go back someday.
     It was great and I really hope that you (yes you) get a chance to go, but if not maybe you can have your own little journey through my posts and pictures! You might even try and go beyond what you read here and take your own internet/book voyage and learn about the country from the comfort of your own computer.
     Well, right now (not exactly at this moment, but while I was writing this post) I'm on the Air China flight back to Las Angeles trying to pass the 12 hours I have. I hope I'm not bothering the guy beside me by opening and closing the window to get pictures and just stare out. It's too sunny to keep the window open all of the time, but I still want to watch. Speaking of the sun, it never went down on the trip from LA to Beijing. We just followed it there! Anyway... Just looking out the window has made me appreciate God's creation even more, because on these flights I have sen so much of the Earth from 30,000-50,000 feet up.
     So this little Chinese boy, probably 5-6 years old, is watching some sort of cartoon that must be hilarious, because when he laughs it is pretty funny and makes me laugh too. One of the things that I've learned is that young kids in America and China are pretty much the same. Example: they will run a few feet from their parents, turn and laugh, and will do this a few times until they pass that line and come back. They will be rambunctious in the theater, on the plane, in the market, and in most any quiet or public place. This will cause their parents to say something to the effect of 'calm down' or 'get back here or I will swat your little behind' in their native tongue.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wait! I'm not done yet!!

    Wait a second! I'm almost done... Because, I'm working 40/week and have to tackle my homework from the International Business Ethics class I took in Beijing I am putting the blog on a temporary hold. I will finish, I promise, before the beginning of this school year. I have to tell about the experience overall and give a list of pointed and random tips I was never told, but you should know, about Beijing and international travel in general.
Check back in mid August or before that, okay? I'll be right back.